Train the trainers in Scotland

The Scottish partners started a set of trainings for those colleagues in December who were expected to act as trainers or observers in the following test course of the project. The participants of the trainings tested a number of exercises and enjoyed them very much. They provided useful feedback concerning the observation sheets and gave advice as to which exercise could be best utilized by the young people participating in the course. Using their recommendations we modified the tasks and the timetable of the second test period.

Two advisers of a local office of the Scottish Business Gateway joined the trainings and plan to actively participate in the following test courses. Both advisers have wide experiences of how to promote young entrepreneurs and are well informed about local employment opportunities. Their skills and knowledge are of great value for the project.

Business Gateway is a publicly funded service in Scotland and provides free assistance to people starting or growing their business. It is delivered by local authorities and has strong partnerships with organisations such as Scottish Enterprise and Highlands and Islands Enterprise. Business Gateway provides online support with practical information and useful guides. It manages fully funded local workshops throughout Scotland and gives advice to suit specific business needs. Research shows that businesses engaged with Business Gateway have a better chance of surviving beyond three years than the national average.

You can find more information about Business Gateway here.

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