New trainers in Hungary
Two regions joined the project in March. One of them is located near the city Gyula in the South-East, while the other is situated around Salgótarján in the North. Ten people have been trained to provide the trainers' tasks carrying out different exercises. All of them seemed to be enthusiastic about the process and qualified the tasks as diversified and good. They particularly liked the features which motivated the young people to move a lot and take an active part in the exercises. In their feedback notes all the participants have referred to the preparation process as useful and they were eager to try out the programme in practice.
The Vocational School and Student Hostel run by the Vocational Centre of the City Gyula (Gyulai Szakképzési Centrum Harruckern János Szakképző Iskolája és Kollégiuma) plans to start four groups – training young people who are participating in the public education bridge programmes (Köznevelési Híd-programok). The RLG programme offers them a module and development opportunities which forms part of a wider training unit and is similar to the ETC practice in Munich.
The test groups are being formed in the northern region of the country. They plan to try out the programme in two settlements (in the city Salgótarján and in the small town Bátonyterenye). The local managers of the programme however hope to start other groups as well. Their hope stems from the fact that a great number of disadvantaged young people live in the small towns of the northern regions which make their living conditions more difficult than the average.
Two new groups have simultaneously started at the place of the first testing in southern Hungary (in Pécs and in the small town Szalánta) which are run by a previous manager and by a new trainer.