Assessment days in Gyula
Four groups of students of the Gyula Vocational Centre (Hungary) tested the assessment day activities in April as part of the public education BRIDGE programme. 42 young people, aged 15-20 participated in the testing process, consisting of almost the same ratio of girls and boys. Most of them aimed at completing general school and acquiring some sort of partial vocational training. A great number of them visited school as day-boys and girls from the neighbouring residential settlements with rather different social backgrounds.
The trainers guiding the activities have shared their feedback by saying that the young people did their best in the ten exercises of the Assessment day which modelled practice oriented and realistic situations. In a few specific fields of development they needed help however: wording questions, developing a line of logical thinking, planning and verbal communication. The students communicated their feedback: they liked short, creative and playful exercises the best and took pleasure in working with their peers or in groups.